Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kuala Lumpur

We arrived from Bangkok during the day, found a place in Chinatown (backpacker area) went through market, ate and went to the Reggae Bar some happy hour. Malaysia is not a typical place to drink! Beer in Vietnam is $.50 for 500ml bottle, Thailand $1.00 for 500ml bottle, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur $4 per can during happy hour. Ouch! Guess that’s culture shock at its finest! Ha ha. There are only 2 bars in area, as Muslims are not huge fans of alcohol...and Malaysia is mostly Muslim.
Next day, went to Petronas Towers as typical tourists. They used to be the highest buildings in world (even higher than world trade towers) but now Tapei and Dubai have upped them. Still amazing at the height of them. We then went to Menara Tower which is 4th highest free standing tower in world (after CN tower in Toronto that is!). This gives you about the best view of the city, KL has a pretty cool cityscape as it is very large and spread out with many high rises. Makes Calgary look like a small town. After that, went back to Reggae Bar again.
After KL the three Houstons’ headed to Island Paradise in Perhentian Islands (Kecil and Besar) to kick back, relax, and get all of us a tan! Stay Tuned.

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