Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vientiane, Laos

We caught a flight out of Siem Reap to Vientiane (capital of Laos). There was 4 of us on the plane...never seen that before. Made it safely to Vientiane..people are always concerned about the safety of Lao Airlines, but seemed ok for us. We spent 3 nights here, and really didn’t do too much! We would have liked to spend more time in Laos, and had planned on it, but we didn't think we'd spend so long in Vietnam, so had to cut Laos down to only the few days. Maybe another time we'll see the rest of the country....
Vientiane is very French-influenced. Lots of cafes and French restaraunts, and the people are very laid back. Was quite the change from Vietnam and Cambodia where someone was constantly trying to sell you something. We pretty much went from cafe to coffee shop to restaraunt to pub...all day. Oh and got a Traditional Lao massage in between. We did end up going bowling too...(there’s pretty much nothing else to do...), where I waxed Kyle both games! Guess I have a natural talent for bowling!

As of now, we are back in Thailand in Chiang Mai...doing lots! Next post will be more interesting....

We posted more pictures : http://picasaweb.google.com/kyle.houston

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