Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ko Lanta/Ko Mook/Phuket

After we left Krabi, we headed to Ko Lanta for 5 nights. So far Ko Lanta has been our favorite island - really laid back and not too big or busy. We rented a scooter and toured the island and found some desserted beaches. Spent a lot of nights just hanging out having a beer on the beach, was great!

Next we headed to Ko Mook, small island south of Ko Lanta. Was REALLY quiet. We pre-booked our bungalow here for 4 nights, probably could have left after 2, but was definately a memorable experience. We stayed at a place that was brand new, only opened 3 weeks before, and the first night we were there, we were the only ones at the resort. We roughed it a bit and stayed in bamboo bungalows that were REALLY basic - 2 twin mattresses on the floor with mosquito nets, and a fan, which cut out in the middle of the night because the island doesn't have 24hr power...and...a shared bathroom. So, were ready to go after 2 nights....but, we toughed it out and met some great people who showed up. Met another Canadian couple and a Swedish couple and made friends with the staff (an old lady and man who were the cooks - and the old man was VERY offended if we didn't eat everything off our plate! - but was really nice and kept bringing us treats from the village or fresh coffee in the morning...definately good service). Also made friends with the owner's dog, Brownie, reminded us of our own a bit...

From Ko Mook, we headed to Phuket - huge change. Phuket is really busy, expensive, and very touristy. Went from being the only ones on the beach to sharing it with a couple thousand on Kata Beach. So only spent 3 nights there, stayed in a nice place, went to the zoo, the old town center, and went to see the Big Buddha. I think they told us it was going to be the biggest in the world, was pretty cool, on top of a huge hill, so we had a great view of all of Phuket. We were also able to catch the gold medal hockey game - woke up at 3 AM and watched it live from our hotel room, Kyle was able to down a few beers, and I think we woke people up - Kyle was screaming when Sid scored! Anyways, had a good time, but were definately ready to leave after 3 nights....
We are now in Khao Lak, about hour north of Phuket for a few nights, and then we are heading into the jungle at Khao Sok National Park.

Thats it for now,
More pics at:

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