Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We finally made it to Bangkok today. We are staying near Kho San Road for the next 2 nights, one of the major backpacker/tourist streets. It is definately one of the craziest places we have ever seen. It is total chaos - tons of t-shirt and clothing kiosks, tourists everywhere, and just an all out circus. It is definately an experience! We tried out some of our bartering today - actually works pretty good, and we were able to get a few good deals (or at least we think....)

Our hotel is really nice - can't complain for $20/night, and much nicer and cleaner than what we were staying in in Paris for over $100/night.

I think it will take us a few weeks to get used to the heat and humidity - we were pretty much drenched when we got off the plane! We are looking forward to getting out of Bangkok and hitting the islands for a little more quiet time, should be quite the change from this place.

We have posted some pictures from Paris on our site - the link is below, where we'll post all our pics from our trip. That's it for now! Take care :)


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