Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tonsai Beach & Krabitown

We were in the rockclimbing hippie central of Railai (in Krabi province)...we stayed in Tonsai Beach area though in the was a better deal. Tonsai...oh how it is Rasta central....specialties in the beach bars include "peacecake", "magic cookies", and there is a constant essence of ganga in the air! ha ha.

Pretty good time, hung out with friends Paul and Angela and rented sea kayaks...where you kayak under limestone cliffs and through caves, and hit up various beaches...unfortunately we don't have those photos as we can't take our camer in the water..Paul was photographer for the day..maybe he'll send us some.

Our second day there, early in the morning we had about 10-12 monkeys relaying off our roof...pretty cool...they were flyin all over the place as they went through trees.(few good closeups on picasa)

After two days of relaxing there, we parted ways with Paul and Angela (they went to Samui and then soon enough back to calgary! ha ha) we headed to Krabi town to take a beach break and see a city...well...that lasted all of 12 hours, although a cool city, we quickly booked a ticket to Ko Lanta...another Beach Vacation! ha ha.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ko Phi Phi and "The Beach"

Have been on Ko Phi Phi Don island for 3 days now, met up with some friends from Cowtown,
pretty much have been lazy around beach and walking around town whilst enjoying a soda or two...or three...or four....or five : )
Took a boat tour today to Ko Phi Phi Leh...where the movie The Beach was filmed...pretty cool island, but not exactly like the movie where Leo had peace and quiet...a few more people showed up. Tonnes of boat coming and going, but was still pretty awesome scenery. There aren't any resorts on this island so made it better.

Ko Phi Phi Don, has been completely over run with hotels and partiers, don't let the picasa photos fool you. We thought there would be a few people around...jam packed with crazies. But still again, a cool island altogether, just a shame they let it become what it is....busier than you can even imagine.
Next we head to Krabi province, on Railei beach, and chill out some more, and enjoy more sodas....we are going to try and rough it, and get some beach huts with no AC. F$#k its hot here! Us Canadian whities are still adjusting to the blistering bad burns yet to report though.


More pics at.
picasa link:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We finally made it to Bangkok today. We are staying near Kho San Road for the next 2 nights, one of the major backpacker/tourist streets. It is definately one of the craziest places we have ever seen. It is total chaos - tons of t-shirt and clothing kiosks, tourists everywhere, and just an all out circus. It is definately an experience! We tried out some of our bartering today - actually works pretty good, and we were able to get a few good deals (or at least we think....)

Our hotel is really nice - can't complain for $20/night, and much nicer and cleaner than what we were staying in in Paris for over $100/night.

I think it will take us a few weeks to get used to the heat and humidity - we were pretty much drenched when we got off the plane! We are looking forward to getting out of Bangkok and hitting the islands for a little more quiet time, should be quite the change from this place.

We have posted some pictures from Paris on our site - the link is below, where we'll post all our pics from our trip. That's it for now! Take care :)


Friday, February 5, 2010


We finally made it to Paris after a long flight to London, then a 7 hour layover before landing in Paris late last night. So our first day we did most of the touristy things - went up to Montemarte and had an awesome view of the city, went up the Eiffel Tower, took a boat tour down the river (while we sipped on some heinekens :), and walked down Champs Elysees. The rest of the weekend we'll be hitting the Louvre, Notre Dame and Les Invalides. Then its off to Asia on Monday!
We'll post some pictures in the next few days to a Picasa site we set up - I'll attach a link once we put some up. Bye for now!